Improvising With The Other Than Human is a relational bone structure which nourishes
creative experiments, cultural practice, care & connection. It infuses the world with inspirational vitality & allows for generative creative collaborations with humans, rivers, images, instruments, sounds, trees, birds & ancestors of both the human & other-than-human variety.
IWTOTH is visceral noticing of being part of & responsive with the world. As Bayo Akomolafe & others have been known to utter - we are porous assemblages. Every 'thing' from the specific land, homes, ecologies we are breathing in & out, through & with, & the objects, beings, animals, trees, crickets which surround us & inhabit us - all - have their own agency. So too, do our tools, instruments, food, 'thoughts', cultural practices, even the rhythms we play or which play us. Amongst, within & overlapping these intra-active fields are underlying patterns, rhythms, morphing bone structures - the inner containers.
When we improvise - we are in generative communion with that which is not us and yet is at the core of us. Everything we create - we can not create alone. We are intertwined with 'others', people, things, every thing, in intra-active processes. (See Karen Barad here for elucidation on intra-action). Who & what is creating what? If we are all porous assemblages how do we identify who is who, what is what and who or what to credit or blame for 'our' creations or the complex processes we are in the middle of? If you have had a look at this site and it sparks a desire to know more reach out via this email
Current Offerings
Troll Talk
troll: the kind who might be rocks, giants, witches, archaic chthonic ancestors, the shadow in the corner of our eyes on a moon lit mountainous path - conjuring congeries - a gathering with stories, poetry, rhythms, song - old / new / sideways stories -
3 months of gatherings Via Zoom Beginning January, 2024
Sunday mornings 10am AEST (anchor time)
Saturday evenings US/Canada & late Saturday in Europe
Saturday 20 / Sunday 21 January
Saturday 24 / Sunday 25 February
.Saturday 23 / Sunday 24 March
Stories live between us & move through our ecologies. The world is alive with stories. We have been gathering weekly since January 2023;
sharing stories - discovering different versions of stories, moving through times & cultures, noticing how the stories are speaking through us & our landscapes. Odin, the Ravens, the Rocks, Trolls, Giants, Witches, Hermes, Mnemosyne, Dionysus, Persephone, Baba Yaga, the Frogs, Trees, Elements & more ......... have been living, breathing & speaking through us. There is a sense in which we are captured by the stories,
the stories are 'doing' something in between us. Our role is to gather, set the scene, prepare the ground,
arrange the bones, improvise with the other-than-human. To let rhythms, melodies, stories & images seize us, have their way with us. To descend with each other & the world to the wyrd places, where time & space become mushy.
Once upon a time the distant almost forgotten past & yet at once in the days to come ...when there was/is time to simply be together, shoot the breeze & invite the stories to emerge.......
If you are intrigued ... fill out this expression of interest form....or send us an email to improvising.with at
We offer these sessions as cultural practice & process. Be prepared to notice we are in relationship. This is NOT entertainment.
There is no 4th wall. The stories will live through you. There are no rules. You may do what ever you need to do to be comfortable. You do not need to speak or be seen. You may share thoughts, poetry & art in response. You may demand the story takes a different path. You may sleep. The stories will have there way with you.
Please talk with us if you have access needs - perhaps we can work together to find ways of meeting each other's unseen / known needs.
We are resisting the normative paradigm of big noting ourselves so you want to hang out with us & give us money.....
We don't know who or what we are.....
Come for the stories .......
We are consciously choosing not to engage in transactional, normative, supply & demand, commodified culture, money games.
We will be gathering whether you join us or not. We will be gathering whether you give us money or not. If you would like to support our efforts, go here to discover what we currently need. These sessions are not for everyone. We aim to ooooz slowly like oral culture - passed through osmosis, from person to person. Let us know how you know us & what is drawing you to gather with us...Sign up to hear more.
Expression of interest form here or simply email us at improvising.with (at)
Storyteller's Fire
Improvising With The Other Than Human welcomes you to the Storytellers Fire where we share stories, poetry & poesy.
Brackets & Jam Style. There will be a few "Brackets" where you can sign up ahead of time to tell stories, interspersed with poetry & poesy that "Jam" on the themes in the moment. Gathering Dates 2024
Fill out the expression of interest form or email us at improvising.with (at)
Note : these sessions are small & intimate. We will be improvising with the other than human - we will all be collaborating, experimenting & learning.
creative experiments, cultural practice, care & connection. It infuses the world with inspirational vitality & allows for generative creative collaborations with humans, rivers, images, instruments, sounds, trees, birds & ancestors of both the human & other-than-human variety.
IWTOTH is visceral noticing of being part of & responsive with the world. As Bayo Akomolafe & others have been known to utter - we are porous assemblages. Every 'thing' from the specific land, homes, ecologies we are breathing in & out, through & with, & the objects, beings, animals, trees, crickets which surround us & inhabit us - all - have their own agency. So too, do our tools, instruments, food, 'thoughts', cultural practices, even the rhythms we play or which play us. Amongst, within & overlapping these intra-active fields are underlying patterns, rhythms, morphing bone structures - the inner containers.
When we improvise - we are in generative communion with that which is not us and yet is at the core of us. Everything we create - we can not create alone. We are intertwined with 'others', people, things, every thing, in intra-active processes. (See Karen Barad here for elucidation on intra-action). Who & what is creating what? If we are all porous assemblages how do we identify who is who, what is what and who or what to credit or blame for 'our' creations or the complex processes we are in the middle of? If you have had a look at this site and it sparks a desire to know more reach out via this email
Current Offerings
Troll Talk
troll: the kind who might be rocks, giants, witches, archaic chthonic ancestors, the shadow in the corner of our eyes on a moon lit mountainous path - conjuring congeries - a gathering with stories, poetry, rhythms, song - old / new / sideways stories -
3 months of gatherings Via Zoom Beginning January, 2024
Sunday mornings 10am AEST (anchor time)
Saturday evenings US/Canada & late Saturday in Europe
Saturday 20 / Sunday 21 January
Saturday 24 / Sunday 25 February
.Saturday 23 / Sunday 24 March
Stories live between us & move through our ecologies. The world is alive with stories. We have been gathering weekly since January 2023;
sharing stories - discovering different versions of stories, moving through times & cultures, noticing how the stories are speaking through us & our landscapes. Odin, the Ravens, the Rocks, Trolls, Giants, Witches, Hermes, Mnemosyne, Dionysus, Persephone, Baba Yaga, the Frogs, Trees, Elements & more ......... have been living, breathing & speaking through us. There is a sense in which we are captured by the stories,
the stories are 'doing' something in between us. Our role is to gather, set the scene, prepare the ground,
arrange the bones, improvise with the other-than-human. To let rhythms, melodies, stories & images seize us, have their way with us. To descend with each other & the world to the wyrd places, where time & space become mushy.
Once upon a time the distant almost forgotten past & yet at once in the days to come ...when there was/is time to simply be together, shoot the breeze & invite the stories to emerge.......
If you are intrigued ... fill out this expression of interest form....or send us an email to improvising.with at
We offer these sessions as cultural practice & process. Be prepared to notice we are in relationship. This is NOT entertainment.
There is no 4th wall. The stories will live through you. There are no rules. You may do what ever you need to do to be comfortable. You do not need to speak or be seen. You may share thoughts, poetry & art in response. You may demand the story takes a different path. You may sleep. The stories will have there way with you.
Please talk with us if you have access needs - perhaps we can work together to find ways of meeting each other's unseen / known needs.
We are resisting the normative paradigm of big noting ourselves so you want to hang out with us & give us money.....
We don't know who or what we are.....
Come for the stories .......
We are consciously choosing not to engage in transactional, normative, supply & demand, commodified culture, money games.
We will be gathering whether you join us or not. We will be gathering whether you give us money or not. If you would like to support our efforts, go here to discover what we currently need. These sessions are not for everyone. We aim to ooooz slowly like oral culture - passed through osmosis, from person to person. Let us know how you know us & what is drawing you to gather with us...Sign up to hear more.
Expression of interest form here or simply email us at improvising.with (at)
Storyteller's Fire
Improvising With The Other Than Human welcomes you to the Storytellers Fire where we share stories, poetry & poesy.
Brackets & Jam Style. There will be a few "Brackets" where you can sign up ahead of time to tell stories, interspersed with poetry & poesy that "Jam" on the themes in the moment. Gathering Dates 2024
Fill out the expression of interest form or email us at improvising.with (at)
Note : these sessions are small & intimate. We will be improvising with the other than human - we will all be collaborating, experimenting & learning.