The structures we use to communicate, shape our experience.
Our diverse languages mould our understandings of the world, our reality, as do facebook, essays, sentences, songs, poetry, cartography.
How do we keep the communicative vessel open, porous, flexible, changeable, in flux ?
"With his text before him, the writer acquired a new sense of being an autonomous self, distinct not only from his fellow human beings, but from one’s own surroundings. It was at this point, Abram believes, that language separated from “the intimate flux of the world” and became a presence in its own right and with it a more abstract mode of thinking. " source
Our diverse languages mould our understandings of the world, our reality, as do facebook, essays, sentences, songs, poetry, cartography.
How do we keep the communicative vessel open, porous, flexible, changeable, in flux ?
"With his text before him, the writer acquired a new sense of being an autonomous self, distinct not only from his fellow human beings, but from one’s own surroundings. It was at this point, Abram believes, that language separated from “the intimate flux of the world” and became a presence in its own right and with it a more abstract mode of thinking. " source
This interactive visualisation of diffraction, attempts to capture the initial ideas and questions of a collaborative research project. It aims to allow for multiplicity, diffraction and reflect and encourage a rhizomatic, trans-local approach.