delivered via Troll Tongue
as told by Tricky, VI & The Bone Queen with the marvellous live art of ecosapien
The Ympe-tre began as a telling of Sir Orfeo, a medieval version of the Orpheous & Eurydice myth. As we explored and opened ourselves to the living story wanting to be told, more gods and entities than you can poke a stick at appeared, coaxing us into ever deeper terrain, weaving their part of the story. Sir Orpheo, Eurydice, Dionysus, Hermes, Apollo, Queen of the otherworld, the Fairy King, Mnemosyne, Artemis, The Mother in the Mountain amongst hordes of fluxing faced others have infiltrated our hearts and minds. The Ympe-tre is a portal to other worlds - part of our growing communal imaginarium which brings nourishment from other worlds. The first telling begins in October 2024 & will be an underground telling with close kin. Gathering dates are here. Sign up to be kept in the loop. Painting created live as part of the telling by ecosapien
The Mead of Poetry
as told by Tricky, VI & The Bone Queen with the marvellous live art of ecosapien
A story told from the fearless deep, channeled from those who guard the corpse fjord, gate to the heaven wheel, a place beyond the leaky notions of individuality and the rational machine. Troll tongue is spiralwise side-eye bubblings about thievery, magic, ableism, captilism and the myth of the state borne on ravens wings, tattoed troll tongues and frogsong. Yes we are wyrd, and legion, bravely venturing beyond pain with compassion to share hard won stories of katabasis. It is a labour of love, profound and compelling. For 9 months we sat with our hordes, the ferment of the little makers and the Mother of the Mountain till a story emerged wet and squalling from Ymirs sigh. Painting created live as part of the telling by ecosapien